An Appeal from the Vidyadhara
A letter of appeal from the Vidyadhara Preceptors of the Luofu to the Six Charioteers.


To the Esteemed Six Charioteers of the Luofu:

With the great calamity quelled, the voracious enemy subdued, and the treacherous rebels expelled, the Luofu has once again returned to peace. What a joyous day this is.

My people have suffered much in this crisis. The wounded include 12 Preceptors, 253 Pearlkeepers, and 116 alchemists and healers. There are 1285 who have completely perished in this disaster, and over 3000 are still missing.

While we lament these losses, we dared not forget our duty. Since the time of the High Elder Yubie, the Vidyadhara of the Luofu have shouldered the duty of keeping watch over the Ambrosial Arbor. However, when the disaster struck and the seals were loosened, all the elites of my people could not return it to its previous form. Therefore, we beseech the Six Charioteers to ask the Ten-Lords Commission to return the sinner Dan Feng to us, let him restore the seals, and mete out his punishment at a later time.

Yours respectfully,
Suguang, Vidyadhara Preceptor


"General, the Vidyadhara's letter of appeal is here" — Qingzu.
"They gave this to the Six Charioteers and not to the Ten-Lords Commission, probably knowing that the Commission would never reply to them, thus deciding to appeal to the Six Charioteers instead. I didn't anticipate my first problem as the general would be something completely unrelated to military affairs..."