Report submitted by the Interastral Peace Corporation's Luofu Office
A compliant from an IPC Specialist. Though their text is steady and calm, but the implication of violence cannot be hidden between the words...

Report submitted by the Interastral Peace Corporation's Luofu Office

To the relevant persons in charge of the Sky-Faring Commission's Reception Hall and Trade Hall,
I am writing on behalf of the Interastral Peace Corporation to protest the improper confiscation measures taken by the Luofu's Sky-Faring Commission against the cargo our company was transporting. I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the seriousness of the incident and clarify our position. I hope you will regard this with great importance and take immediate corrective measures.
At the beginning of this month, New Londinium, a transport ship belonging to our company's Logistics and Transportation Department, was scheduled to sail for the battlefield on the border of the Klimt Republic. However, as the ship was sailing along the Luofu route, it was attacked by a borisin beast ship. Fortunately, with the help of a ship of Zhuming envoys, it managed to escape. According to the relevant risk-avoidance clauses stipulated in the "Trade Security Cooperation Framework: Mutual Emergency Assistance and Trade Promotion Agreement" signed between our company and the Xianzhou Alliance, the attacked ship had no choice but to anchor in the Luofu's skyport.
However, although our vessel had anchored temporarily due to extenuating circumstances, the Sky-Faring Commission insisted that we provide detailed information about our cargo in accordance to the regulations on goods for foreign trade and carried out inspections. Our personnel made multiple attempts at negotiation and repeatedly reiterated that this batch of goods involved the IPC's intellectual property and commercial secrets, but it did not result in any change in attitude from your end. Not only were the goods detained, but we were also ordered to open the shipment for inspection. It is appallingly obvious that the Sky-Faring Commission has disregarded our perfectly logical and justifiable explanation and abused its power while handling this incident, which completely violates the consensus of business principles between both parties.
I cannot help but ask: Does the Sky-Faring Commission frequently abuse its power to forcibly seize the goods of foreign companies? For companies that adhere to business principles, this abuse of power will only lead to disappointment in the Luofu's overall management standards and concept of the rule of law.
In light of the above situation, I would like to put forward our demands on behalf of the IPC:
1. Immediately return all goods belonging to the New Londinium and propose a departure date.
2. Assess and compensate all commercial losses incurred during the period of detention.
3. Issue a public apology to compensate for the reputational damage caused by this incident and restore our company's reputation.
We sincerely hope that through direct communication and negotiation between both parties, this dispute can be resolved amicably in a satisfactory manner as soon as possible, so as to avoid unnecessary legal disputes and negative impact on trade relations. We hope that you will attach great importance to this matter.
Thank you.
Lyndon Skott, Special Commissioner, Interastral Peace Corporation