A manuscript left by an individual who prefers to remain anonymous. It is written to evaluate the achievements of the various Genius Society members (with no conclusion).
Genius Society: Research Results
Are some geniuses better than others? Even if we listed down all the achievements of #83 Herta, #81 Ruan Mei, and #76 Screwllum, we could hardly decide which among them is the best.
#2 Harald Punch and #3 Nyul Iman established the Genius Society in a garage, but they had a turbulent friendship tainted with rivalries and arguments. I once suspected they were competing with each other to prove which one was better.
Thankfully, the Simulated Universe project has created a temporary stability, but who knows whether this stable triangle will crumble with the addition of new members?
Oh, I almost made a mistake. It should be a quadrangle — including #84 Stephen Lloyd.