Summary of Crimes: The borisin Warhead, a Denizen of Abundance. Accountable for numerous acts of invasions and associated war crimes. Accountable for the long-term enslavement of foxians and utilizing their blood for alchemical purposes.
Detention Method: This prisoner must be subjected to the punishment of the Forest of Swords and never be pardoned. They must be transferred to different locations on a regular basis, their shackles must be checked for sturdiness during the transfer, and the air filters in their new cell must be intact and functional.
Notes: 1. The confinement of this prisoner is the foundation of the alliance between the Xianzhou and the foxians. Any individuals objecting to this sentence should be punished for "Sowing Discord." 2. Anyone who contacts or converses with this prisoner must take poison-proof pellets or wear a breathing mask equipped with a filter cartridge to counteract the effects of Lupitoxin. 3. The prisoner's place of detention must be changed on a yearly basis, and the new location must remain unknown to individuals below the rank of Cloud Knight Lieutenant or Judge. 4. Do not mention "Jingliu" when conversing with this prisoner.