Screwllum's Message
A message from the aristocrat of Planet Screwllum to the Guardian of the Underworld, discussing the possibility of robots on Jarilo-VI developing into "silicon-based life forms."

Screwllum's Message

To Mr Svarog of Jarilo-VI:

My name is Screwllum. I come from Planet Screwllum, a world that is at a considerable distance from yours. I am writing this message spurred on by a sudden inspiration and it may be overly familiar: I do hope you will forgive me for any offense caused.

I watched this season's broadcast of the "Interastral Tournament Festival" on the Interastral Peace Network. Please do not misunderstand me, I have very little interest in the Aetherium Wars game itself. If it weren't for an old Stellaron Hunter friend of mine's persistence, I would not waste my precious time watching the festival. However, this viewing experience delivered me an unexpected surprise... It allowed me to learn of your planet, Jarilo-VI. To be more precise, I learned of the signs of budding "silicon-based life forms" on your planet.

Within a large number of civilizations, silicon-based structures exist solely as tools: I believe that this view is supported by the locals of your world also. However, within the cosmos there are in fact silicon-based structures that can be defined as "living bodies." A number of civilizations are also built and ruled over by these "silicon-based life forms"... My home, Planet Screwllum, is one such example.

Just what kind of miraculous baptism could lead to these silicon-based structures bursting out in the evolutionary flame that is "life"... This is one of the questions that I have been researching for a long time. Now, this kind of change is taking place on Jarilo-VI, slowly and miraculously. It is my hope that one day, as these scattered flames of evolution slowly gather together like a flame across the land, we will come to call each other "brothers."

Your humble "genius" friend,