A Letter from Robin

A Letter from Robin

Dear Brother,

How are you doing these days? I had intended to visit you at Dewlight Pavilion as soon as possible upon my return, but with the approaching Charmony Festival and your busy schedule, I refrained from troubling you. However, an urgent matter compels me to share something with you immediately.

Since my return to Penacony, I have experienced a peculiar change in my voice. At first, I thought it was caused by exhaustion or illness, but after consulting with doctors, they assured me of my perfect health and dismissed my concerns. However, my voice worsened over time, and I even experienced periods of complete voice loss.

In order to find answers, I conducted many private investigations (using my idle time out of rehearsals, of course). Eventually, I realized that the Harmony in Penacony is not pure. A discord lurking within has tainted my voice of Harmony, which I believe to be the root cause of my vocal issues.

I immediately realized that such levels of interference can only occur if either a powerful external force is pulling the strings, or if a senior member of The Family is involved. Unfortunately, further investigation has led me to the latter conclusion.

This is an extremely alarming discovery: A traitor has emerged within The Family in Penacony, and it is highly likely that this person is one of the four family heads. (I trust you implicitly, dear brother, because of our promise). With the Charmony Festival on the horizon, I fear this person intends to impede its progress, or even use the festival for some ulterior motive. At any rate, I suggest you monitor the other family heads while also prioritizing your own safety. You are the only true family member I have left.

There is another matter that requires our attention. During my investigation, I learned about the Memory Zone Meme "Death," and my further inquiries led me to believe that the culprit who directed it to cause this series of incidents is likely the aforementioned traitor in The Family. I have collected more clues and am prepared to verify my hypothesis. Rest assured, you can just focus on the preparations for the Charmony Festival. Once I've thoroughly investigated "Death," I'll come and meet you immediately. It won't take too long.

Given your heavy workload, please take care of yourself. Don't stay in the Dreamscape all the time. Spend some time in reality when you are free. I've brought some more specialties from other galaxies: Giantmoa pudding tarts from Morillons, wild strawberries from Akonyako (known for their exceptional size and sweetness, which I'm certain you'll enjoy), and almond meringue cream cracknels from Medicia. Don't forget to enjoy them!

May Xipe be with us!

Your sister,