The Story of SoulGlad: Dreams in a Bottle
A story about the origin of SoulGlad. The publisher is a SoulGlad affiliate and the author is a SoulGlad employee. This is more likely to be a form of advertising.

The Story of SoulGlad: Dreams in a Bottle

The wealthy find coarse tea hard to swallow, while the poor are unaccustomed to drinking high-class beverages. The wine at the end of the world is reserved for Fools, while even Geniuses struggle to obtain Yu Qingtu's finest wine... However, SoulGlad belongs to all beings in the universe! It is loved by everyone and accessible to all!
— Mr. Aideen, Father of SoulGlad

SoulGlad, the reigning king of soft drinks in the universe, stands as the most commercially successful brand in Penacony. It has changed Penacony, revolutionized dietary habits in thousands of worlds, and reshaped the entire beverage market across the universe. However, this grand business empire was actually established in the humble kitchen of a desolate prison...

During 2148 AE, an IPC ship landed on the ring-shaped prison of the Asdana system, breaking the long-standing silence.

Ever since the calamity caused by the Destruction disrupted interstellar routes, the prison, constructed by the IPC, had not seen any outsiders for a long time. All the prisoners working outside the building suspended their labor and observed the arrival of the visitors.

A group of people in black IPC uniforms stepped out from the ship. They were IPC employees recruited from neighboring star systems. Most of them possessed an imposing stature and intimidating looks, serving as a deterrent against the prisoners. However, behind them stood a small, slender man who seemed out of place. He wore a clean white uniform, fluffy hair, thick lenses reflecting wisdom, and a kind smile beneath his mustache.

People referred to him as Mr. Sousa, the new head chef for this prison. His culinary expertise once shone at the Galactic Culinary Contest. He had previously worked in the most esteemed restaurant in Pier Point and was rumored to have lured the beasts of Voracity with his dishes. Everyone pondered why such a remarkable man would visit such a remote and abandoned prison, but only he knew the answer: For his devotion.

He followed the guards through the prison gates, basked in the resentful glances from the prisoners. All the prisoners here had been wanted criminals who ended up here as a consequence of obstructing the IPC's interests. The inhumane conditions of the prison had taken a heavy toll on them, and they anticipated that these unfamiliar faces would bring more suffering in the future.

"O, the Great One above! Look at my poor 'family members'! I will bring you salvation!"

Before the guards could assert their authority over the prisoners, Mr. Sousa ran up to the inmates, signing with a worried look on his face.

Poor? Family? Salvation? To the prisoners, those words were unheard of. While the guards couldn't help but burst out laughing, the prisoners perceived it as humiliation. Nobody expressed gratitude towards Mr. Sousa's kindness, but rather they felt the new chef was trampling on what little dignity they had left.

They silently agreed that they must teach this arrogant chef a lesson!

They meticulously planned how to "accidentally" knock over the porridge bucket beside him or "accidentally" snap a dish in his face, or even "inadvertently" make him bathe in hot soup...

However, when they saw the carefully prepared dinner, everyone forgot about their elaborate plans.

The dirty plates were full of delectable dishes and the rusty porridge bucket smelled delicious. None of the prisoners could believe their eyes. They never dreamed that the decaying meat and rotten vegetables from the prison's warehouses could be made into such magnificent creations.

Overnight, Mr. Sousa became an adored figure among the prisoners. His intention had simply been to improve their lives, unaware that he was on the brink of creating a miracle that would ripple across the universe...

Witnessing Mr. Sousa's exceptional culinary skills, the prisoners let go of their animosity and quickly formed bonds with this kind-hearted man. Through their stories, Mr. Sousa learned about the injustices inflicted by the IPC. Many of the prisoners had been wrongfully imprisoned, enduring abuse and torment at the hands of their prison guards. They were not only physically confined but also deprived of the simple pleasures that could nourish their souls.

Determined to alleviate their suffering, Mr. Sousa pondered how to bring joy back into their lives. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge, he created a special spice from scarce ingredients and fashioned a sweet drink around it.

However, a mere sweet drink was insufficient to ease the prisoners' physical and mental anguish.

During his explorations across the Asdana system in his spare time, Mr. Sousa stumbled upon a miraculous herb known as "Dreamleaf." This herb possessed the power to heal the prisoners' emotions, alleviating their depression caused by hunger and fatigue, and granting them peaceful and blissful dreams at night.

Incorporating this extraordinary herb into his drink's formula, along with the addition of exhilarating bubbles, Mr. Sousa created the legendary beverage known as "SoulGlad."

The prisoners soon fell in love with this delightful elixir, as it washed away their pain and animosity as long as they drank it. Mr. Sousa discreetly shared SoulGlad with the prison guards as well, fostering a sense of unity as they savored the joy alongside the prisoners. It was a realization of his vision for Harmony, a dream encapsulated within a bottle.

Mr. Sousa firmly believed that this tantalizing beverage could resolve conflicts not only within the prison but also throughout the entire universe. His dream was for all cosmic beings to on day gather around a table, setting aside disputes and hatred, and joyfully enjoying SoulGlad while singing the Ode to Harmony.

As for how IPC suppressed Mr. Sousa's good deeds in the future, how Mr. Sousa made SoulGlad the cornerstone on which Penacony was built, and how Mr. Aideen transformed the declining SoulGlad into a renowned brand across the stars... those are stories for another day.