Signal Log: 2157 AE, Months 48-51
Signal Log: 2157 AE, Months 48-51

Signal Log: 2157 AE, Months 48-51

Source: Unknown light-years (exceeds detectable distance)
Recipient: Herta Space Station, Rocky Martinez

***Translated Text Below***

Lesley Herta Space Station System Time 04:25:32
Rocky! Can you guess what I'm experiencing right now!?

Lesley Herta Space Station System Time 04:26:01
The main star of the Abundance segmentum experienced a gravitational collapse due to an unknown influence. Soon after, there was a starquake!

Lesley Herta Space Station System Time 04:26:22
Flashes in the universe and gamma afterglow fills everything in visible range.

Lesley Herta Space Station System Time 04:26:58
This is such a rare sight. The team member that promised to come with me before got scared and ran away... *sigh* It'd be so nice if you were here.

Lesley Herta Space Station System Time 04:27:39
So don't be mad, okay?

Destination: Unknown light-years (exceeds detectable distance)
Sender: Herta Space Station, Rocky Martinez

***Edits Below, Translation Sent***

Rocky Herta Space Station System Time 08:30:13
Got scared and ran away? Good.

Rocky Herta Space Station System Time 08:31:48
From now on, don't accept any more gifts from that guy. It's obvious that he's unreliable.

Rocky Herta Space Station System Time 08:37:02
I'm not mad... I'm actually regretting our little argument. You scared me to death when you said starquake. I thought something bad happened to you...

Rocky Herta Space Station System Time 08:38:23
But now I know. The beauties of a starquake is a result of its dangers.

Rocky Herta Space Station System Time 08:45:16
Let's go and watch it together next time. I will be right next to you even if it's dangerous.

Rocky Herta Space Station System Time 08:56:05
What I mean is... If possible... From now on, I'd like to always stay by your side.

Rocky Herta Space Station System Time 08:56:15
Do you understand what I'm trying to say?