Data Record: Joanne
Researcher Joanne's browsing history, retrieved through the terminal. It should be erased after reading.

Data Record: Joanne

Internal data. Strictly confidential!
Search Number: ???? Access Level: Authorized by administrator

Data Device Number: 2784, Device Owner: Wen Tianweng
Herta Space Station System Time 19:09 Visited Flying Dog: IPC's Ecommerce Platform
Herta Space Station System Time 19:14 Visited Flying Dog-Handmade Mechanical Section: Trotter Flagship Store for Children's Floating Motorboat
Herta Space Station System Time 19:23 Obtained write access to Flying Dog-Handmade Mechanical Section: Trotter Flagship Store for Children's Floating Motorboat
—Sent a message saying, "Hello, do you include shipping to the space station?"
Herta Space Station System Time 19:31 Obtained iris access Flying Dog-Payment Completed

Data Device Number: 17624, Device Owner: Joanne
Herta Space Station System Time 19:45 Visited Video Pie: The Freshest and Fastest Video Service
Herta Space Station System Time 19:47 Visited Video Pie —Recording of this crazy life-coaching workshop. Scumbag company trying to recruit anyone and everyone
Herta Space Station System Time 19:53 Visited Video Pie — How many of these 10 most awful workplace justifications have you heard?
Herta Space Station System Time 19:55 Visited the webpage Workplace Insight Forum: Why do we need to "loaf on the job"? There are so many benefits to getting enough rest!
Herta Space Station System Time 20:12 Visited the webpage Workplace Insight Forum: The 130 most important loafing strategies for workers. You may now relax at work.
Herta Space Station System Time 20:13 Visited the webpage Workplace Insight Forum: The 130 █ important █ strategies for █. You may now █ at work.
Herta Space Station System Time 20:15 Visited the webpage █ █ Forum: The 130 █ important ████. ███████
— Failed to access the terminal.
— Failed to access the terminal.
— You can now access the terminal. The parsed page content is incomplete. Detected memetic virus of unknown origin:
1. ███the underlying logic████, ██████████top-level design█where█. Final delivery███████, ██████inside██, ██guarantee███closed loop. ██████████████, ██thinking██sedimentation██, ██████methodology...
2. ██cycle, ██conversion, ████, ████, ██logic, reuse██, ██mode, quick██, ████, vertical██, leadership, resources██, ██
3. ████████████████work hard██days, ██still████, ████blessing██. ██sleep█hours██████████████.
Herta Space Station System Time 22:30 Visited the webpage ?? Videos: Leadership Course ?? No.?? Lecture No.??
— Failed to access the terminal.
— You can now access the terminal. The page content cannot be parsed. Memetic virus of unknown origin detected.