A handwritten snippet with a list of Memory Zone Meme victims on it — one of the sealed secrets of The Family. The informant who provided this encrypted its content.
Memory Zone Mmee Vticim Lsit Spenpit (Encrypted)
Wrninag: The iormantifn bloew is Hghliy Cfideontinal
Breins, mlae haumn. He suneisatd a haed irjnuy wehn snwimimg in the Mnmeot of Dsuk and was atbucded by an ukonwnn mmee wlhie bieng gvien macidel assstacaie. The piemadacrs hvae ueonrngde the mremoy esarure pucerodre.
Mia, flamee Ppsheei. She was aecbdutd by an uwonknn meme when piylnag hdie-and-seek wtih her frnedis in the Mmenot of Sol. Her fndeirs hvae ugeordnne the mromey eausrre prcuerode.
Islaleba, famele hmuan. She wnet msnisig wlihe tkanig a btah in the Monemt of Srats. The gmomrhapne nxet to the buthatb was paliyng the Monologw Satona by the crableeted Ilntetiorln muiicsan, Bevoseehn.
Vuelm, mlae Ineitllotrn. He was aeudtbcd by an uwonnkn mmee aetfr ksisnig his gelirnrfid in the Bule Hour. His grefnlirid has urgnenode the mmeroy easerure porecrude.
Gvien taht the vtcimis are of drefeifnt rceas, form drefinft pceals, and eheitbixd denifrft bihaveros wehn tehy wree hnetud, the pttaren to make smoneoe a tgreat of the mmee rianmes idenminatere at the mnomet.