A limited edition cartoon storybook released by Clock Studios, narrating a tale where Hanu shrinks in size and saves Dreamville... The book includes occasional peculiar dialogue interspersed throughout.
This story belongs to the coolest guy in the Clockie cartoon. He's full of sharp wit, sticks to his morals, tenacious and brave, undaunted by danger, often helping his friends out of bad situations, and has thwarted Boss Stone's plots countless times... He's Clockie's most trustworthy comrade, the baddies' most-feared opponent, the beloved great hero of Dreamville... Brother Hanu!
Always garbed in a stylish coat, with a suave dress hat over his head and shades to conceal his piercing gaze, he patrols Dreamville wordlessly. He's more composed than the erudite Professor Owl, more decisive than the revered Old Man Wood, and more popular than the flamboyant Miss Note.
"Twenty-two 'crocodiles' came this time, all bringing their heavy 'tails' with them."
In the previous story, Brother Hanu defeated the Buzzflies plaguing Dreamville, but the despicable Boss Stone capitalized on this chaos and stole the shrinking machine that Professor Owl invented. In this newly-arisen threat that Dreamville faces, Brother Hanu has been turned into Mini-Hanu by the shrinking machine, and can't defeat Boss Stone with his once-mighty strength.
"■■■, are you riding out personally?"
But don't underestimate Brother Hanu's wit! This suave, silent lad isn't just some savage musclehead. This time, he is going to be just like his old friend, Clockie — even if burdened by his miniature physique, he'll use his brains and guile to defeat Boss Stone, wrest back Dreamville from the villain, and return it to everyone.