Belobog Academy's Mid-Term Exam Paper
A failed exam paper. The owner of the exam paper seems to be a boy named Louthen.

Belobog Academy's Mid-Term Exam Paper


1) Fill in the Blanks
1. In order to not damage the Geomarrow Lamps in the city, one needs to pay attention to prevent _brains_ from short-circuiting.

2. Particles such as rock salt and yellow sugar all have geometric forms. People call such shapes _food_.
Katja: I did say don't leave any gaps in the fill-in-the-blanks section, but not for you to do brain-twisters in it!

3. We can use the distance and _size_ of Belobog Academy's teaching building to determine its location in the city.

4. Rust is produced when metals have _love_ reactions with oxygen in the air.

5. Frostweave Salmon will swim to a place with suitable temperature to pass the winter when the water starts to cool. This way of passing the winter is called _travel_.

2) Multiple Choice Questions
6. When observing an Aroma Ether Grass, the correct order is (C).
A. From the outside to the inside. B. From the inside to the outside. C. From top to bottom. D. From bottom to top

7.The fruiting process of Redsunsets is (C).
A. Flowering → Pollination → Fruit B. Flowering → Fruit → Pollination C. Pollination → Flowering → Fruit

8. The tip of olm's toes can suck onto surfaces and are useful for crawling in caves. These structures are called (C).
A. Suction pads B. Grappling hooks C. Paws D. Horizontal pleats
Katja: They aren't cats!

9. The mouthparts of adult funeral worms are (C).
A. Needle-formed B. Proboscis-formed C. Chewing mandibles D. Siphon-formed
Katja: Louthen! I did say to pick C if you don't know the answer. At least you listened to that. That's commendable.
But can you actually take a look at the question!?

10. Which of the following items is soluble in water? (C).
A. Geomarrow B. Rock salt C. Jam D. Honey

3) True/False Questions
11. Touching the city walls feels colder than touching a tree, because the walls have a lower temperature than the tree. (True)

12. The tri-toothed beast from the Middle Ages became extinct because it could not adapt to the lowered temperature and reduced food sources. (True)

13. Geomarrow is formed after the corpses of ancient animals were transformed within tectonic plates after a few billion years. (True)

14. People feel hot next to the Geomarrow because of heat conduction (True)

15. When the Mad Moles feed underground, they mostly use incisors to cut, canines to tear, and molars to grind food. (True)

16. The way to chop Candied Mushrooms and Soothing Mushrooms in half is a vertical cut. (True)

17. The Rainbow leaf's transpiration effect can reduce the temperature of its leaf surface, and protect the plant from being hurt by heat. (True)

18. When we see growth rings on tree stumps out in the wilds, we can identify the wider part of the rings as the north. (True)

19. Corrosive Ore Moss can use the soft light from chemical reactions to survive in lightless caves. (True)

20. Using eyesight, touch, blade cuts, and dropping liquid, one can discern the type of mines. (True)

21. Using levers can save effort and change the direction of the force. (True)

22. Animals that can live in water and on land are called amphibians (True)
Katja: Even if you just do it for show, can you write SOME false answers to show that you're actually thinking, and comfort your poor teacher?