One of the most renowned movies of the Clockie series, narrating the tale of how Clockie and Origami Bird, aided by Mirror Princess, triumphing over a formidable monster.
Part 1
Chapter 1 A sharp knock resounded outside Clockie's abode. He dressed himself as usual and bounced in his steps as he went to open the door. Five Origami Birds chirped and flapped their wings outside, piquing Clockie's curiosity.
"Tick-tock, good morning, everyone! Oh, but what's that mist?" "Tweet, Clockie, Clockie, the mist from the desert has swallowed our home."
That was terrible! It was the dreaded mist from the Nightmare Desert, concealing an invisible monster that has devoured many unfortunate souls, although whether the monster eats clocks remains unknown.
The birds bravely ventured into the Nightmare Desert to get stones to construct Dreamville. The most remarkable stones lay deep within the desert's heart, yet no bird dared to venture there. Clockie's hands anxiously spinned in a circular motion. Tick-tock, he heard the monster's mocking laughter.
"Tell me your name, monster!" "Haha, Clockie, my name is 'Unknown.' With my two pairs of eyes and two mouths, I shall swallow all of Dreamville, and none shall escape my clutches."
The monster soared through the mists happily, toppling roofs one moment and causing sandstorms the next. Nobody could stand against it. Indeed, this monster was so fearsome that even a cactus would shed its needles in horror at the mere mention of its name. Once again, Dreamville was in the throes of a dire crisis.
"Ka-ching! If this continues, Dreamville will become Nightmareville!" Captain Revolver exclaimed. However, as the town's guardian, he also had no idea as to how to defeat Unknown, an intangible monster. "Tick-tock, indeed, we must find a way to defeat it." "But how, Clockie? That Unknown is so powerful that it fears neither my bullets nor your clockwork!"
..."I know what it fears most." A melodious voice resonated, reminiscent of a song even more beautiful than the birds' a capella. The voice was gentle and exquisite, akin to that of a princess. Adorned with an elegant gown, the lady, with her head being a delicate mirror, gracefully bowed before everyone. She was Miss Mirror, Clockie's good friend once upon a time — She was once the princess of the Mirror Kingdom, and everyone called her the Mirror Princess.
"Tick-tock, are you not afraid of that monster, Mirror Princess?" "Of course not, my friend. That monster is called 'Unknown,' and its greatest fear lies in being known. Once my mirror reflects its hideous visage, it will no longer remain 'Unknown.'"
With those words, Mirror Princess confidently approached the laughing mist. Her mirror emitted a faint light akin to a sword piercing the monster's eyes. Gradually, the mist dissipated, and the arrogant monster let out a wail.
"No, no, no! Don't let me see that! Mark my words, you nuisances! I shall return again and devour you all!"
The monster let out a shriek and fled, and the town was restored. Clockie and Captain Revolver threw a grand celebration in honor of Mirror Princess. The townspeople danced with joy, singing songs and praising her courage, and baking the most tasty cakes for her.
"Even if that monster will return, don't worry, Clockie! Let's keep the momentum and get rid of that villain once and for all!"
A wonderful idea! Once they defeat the villain, the birds will be able to find stones and branches from the heart of the desert, making Dreamville even more splendid!
In the meantime, Unknown was hiding in its lair, making malicious whirring cries. Realizing that the princess of the Mirror Kingdom was its nemesis, it was trying to figure out a way to take her down. ...Since Unknown was a nefarious villain, it soon came up with an idea, and it was the most malicious plan imaginable.