Data Record: Mare
Researcher Mare's browsing history, retrieved through the terminal. It should be erased after reading.

Data Record: Mare

Internal data. Strictly confidential!
Search Number: ???? Access Level: Authorized by administrator

Data Device Number: 4927, Device Owner: Esther
Herta Space Station System Time 00:10 Obtained camera access
Herta Space Station System Time 00:12 Obtained album access
Herta Space Station System Time 00:15 Visited the webpage Cosmic Search Guide: What are the best photo editing softwares?
Herta Space Station System Time 00:24 Obtained album access
Herta Space Station System Time 00:27 Visited the webpage Afterglow Dating: Meet your soulmate whenever and wherever
Herta Space Station System Time 01:02 Used the software Twin Flames: A private dating community for space people, welcoming and diverse

Data Device Number: 18128, Device Owner: Mare
Herta Space Station System Time 02:47 Visited the webpage Cosmic Search Guide: Sleep aid video
Herta Space Station System Time 02:50 Visited Video Pie: The Freshest and Fastest Video Service
Herta Space Station System Time 02:55 Visited Video Pie-The year's Top Sleep Aid Pick: The Most Comfortable Scalp Massage
Herta Space Station System Time 03:17 Visited Video Pie-Sleep aid scalp massage, premium ASMR
Herta Space Station System Time 03:23 Visited Video Pie-A small orange cat offers you a special wake-up service in the rainy season
Herta Space Station System Time 04:25 Visited Video Pie-Immersive cat sleep aid: A large black cat snoring like thunderclap
Herta Space Station System Time 07:40 Visited Leap Clip-Kitty invasion, get out of the way
Herta Space Station System Time 10:11 Visited the webpage Cosmic Search Guide: Black cat
Herta Space Station System Time 10:15 Obtained document write access Aeons Mythology: The History of Witches and Cats: A Brief Explanation of the Conflict Between the Black Cat Faction and the Tortoiseshell Cat Faction
Herta Space Station System Time 10:17 Visited Leap Clip-The most comprehensive pronunciation guide available on the Internet: 10 different types of onomatopoeia for showing affection to cats
Herta Space Station System Time 10:45 Visited Video Pie-Little kitties, meow, meow meow compilation
Herta Space Station System Time 11:20 Obtained video download access Video Pie-Feline pet summoning, epic onomatopoeia video, 100% effective!
Herta Space Station System Time 13:19 Obtained webpage write access Feline Aficionados Forum: Cats are the highest beings in the universe

Data Device Number: 2, Device Owner: Asta
Herta Space Station System Time: 18:30 Visited the webpage Cosmo Premium: Membership Invitation Shopping Platform
Herta Space Station System Time 18:31 Visited the webpage Cosmo Premium - starnought price
Herta Space Station System Time 18:33 Visited the webpage Cosmo Premium - most expensive starnought price
Herta Space Station System Time 18:40 Visited the webpage Cosmo Premium - contact customer service