Scattered pages of questionable quality, written by someone who claims to be a scientist.
Part I
February 28, 699 AF
Do the people at the Intellectual Property Administration of Technology understand anything at all? Can't they hire someone competent for the patent review? I've applied for a patent for 16 times already. What a waste of time and energy! How will they reimburse me if someone registers my invention first?
Time is life. They're stealing my money, ruining my life.
I thought the guy with glasses at the patent office would know a thing or two, but I was wrong. He questioned me to my face and said I knew nothing about science. What the heck does he know? I've studied physics for 15 years and wrote Time Tunnel Theory, a 100,000-word book. My invention is based on that theory. He hasn't even read my book, and he has the nerve to doubt me? Childish! Stupid! Shortsighted!
I've been working on this device for quite some time. But two months ago, when the museum opened an exhibit showcasing newly discovered Old World relics, I was 100% sure that time travel might come true. There was a mysterious device called the "600-Kilowatt Diesel Generator," which was exactly the same machine that appeared in my dreams. With that machine, my device would surely be able to warp time, deform it, cause massive breaks, and create time tunnels.
The prophetic dream perfectly confirmed my theory. In my dream, there was a Geomarrow resonance tunnel hidden in the Underworld. When my time tunnel device is completed, I would definitely be able to achieve time travel there!
Rather than waiting for those fools to review my patent, why don't I raise the money myself to build the device? Right now, I only have the house to mortgage, but it belongs to my father. I don't know if he'll agree to the mortgage, but I'm a little reluctant to do so since we've lived there for many years... No no, what am I saying? If I can create a time tunnel, I'd transform the era! I'd be the modern-day Plamya! How would I shed tears on a house? Let's do it. I'll mortgage the house next week and get my device built.
With my device, I could warp the very fabric of time and control its flow. A place like Belobog wouldn't be befitting for someone like me.
Oh my, I could revolutionize the Belobog... No, the entire universe!