Simulated Universe

The Hunt
PreservationPath Resonance: PreservationAfter using the Path Resonance, deals Physical DMG to all enemies based on the max DMG that can be absorbed by Shields on all allies.
PreservationDivine Construct: Resonance TransferAfter attacking enemies, the attacking character deals Quake DMG based on the current Shield Effect on the character.
EruditionResonance Interplay: Data ReinforcementAttacks against Weakness Broken enemies do not reduce the available Synapse Resonance count.
EruditionResonance Interplay: Full ScanWhen enemies with Synapse Resonance are attacked by Follow-up ATKs, the effect is additionally triggered once and its available count is not reduced.
EruditionResonance Formation: Memetic InversionRegenerates Path Resonance Energy upon encountering enemies.
The HuntEmpyrean ImperiumWhen a character's turn begins, they gain 1 stack(s) of Critical Boost.
EruditionResonance Formation: Melt CoreWhen Synapse Resonance is triggered by an Ultimate, it will deal more DMG to the enemy with the highest Max HP.
EruditionPath Resonance: "Erudition"Path Resonance inflicts Synapse Resonance on all enemies and deal Imaginary DMG to them.
PropagationResonance Interplay: Condensation CavityCharacters in the Metamorphosis state deal more DMG to Frozen enemies. In addition, their attacks have a low chance of Freezing the target.
PropagationResonance Interplay: Compounded MacrosporeWhen using Path Resonance, heals a target ally. Any exceeded Healing will be distributed to heal other allies.
PreservationDivine Construct: Metastatic FieldAfter a character is hit by an attack, deals Quake DMG based on the current Shield Effect on the attacked character.
PropagationResonance Interplay: Adherent Microbial MatWhen using a Path Resonance, grants Shield to a target ally.
PropagationResonance Formation: Crystal PincersIncreases DMG dealt by characters with Metamorphosis. Only this type of character can cause Spores to burst, dealing additional DMG after bursting.
PropagationResonance Formation: Phenol CompoundsPath Resonance's Energy limit is doubled. After a character consumes or recovers Skill Points, Path Resonance regenerates energy.
PropagationResonance Formation: ProboscisThe duration of Metamorphosis is extended for 1 turn. After a character with Metamorphosis defeats an enemy, Path Resonance regenerates Energy.
PropagationPath Resonance: PropagationAfter using a Path Resonance, a target ally immediately takes action, recovering 2 Skill Point(s) and activating Metamorphosis.
ElationResonance Interplay: Pit and PendulumBased on the amount of Energy used, Path Resonance advances the actions of the ally with the highest ATK and all units summoned by allies.
ElationResonance Interplay: Unending NightWhen the Path Resonance deals Fire, Wind, Physical or Lightning DMG, there is a chance inflict the DoT effect of the same type.
ElationResonance Interplay: Guinea Pig in Ice CoffinWhen Path Resonance: Elation deals Ice DMG, there is a high chance to Freeze the enemy.
ElationResonance Interplay: The Taste of AnglerfishWhen Path Resonance: Elation deals DMG, randomly dispels the debuffs on a character.
ElationResonance Formation: Instant WinWhen entering battle, Path Resonances regenerates energy. When characters launch Follow-up ATKs, Path Resonances regenerates energy.
PropagationResonance Interplay: Superposition EyeAfter using a Path Resonance, make a target ally able to Block 1 attack. If that ally's HP percentage is lower than 50%, recover 1 Skill Point(s).
PreservationDivine Construct: MacrosegregationWhen entering battle, characters gain a stackable special Shield. This Shield is reset every 2 turn(s).
EruditionVEP-18 Occipital LobeIncreases the All-Type RES PEN for characters' Ultimate DMG. The more enemy targets the Ultimate attacks, the greater the increase in the All-Type RES PEN for the Ultimate DMG, lasting until the next time the Ultimate is used.
EruditionSMR-2 AmygdalaDealing fatal DMG to enemies charges the Brain in a Vat.
The HuntRadiant SupremeAfter defeating an enemy, the character's action is Advanced Forward by 100%. At the beginning of the next turn, they gain 4 stack(s) of Critical Boost.
The HuntSovereign SkybreakerAfter a character inflicts Weakness Break on an enemy, their action Advances Forward by 100% and increases the DMG dealt by their next attack.
AbundanceAll Abundance in One MindHealing effects provided by characters can be Blasted to all allies.
AbundanceMudra of BlessingWhen a character's turn begins, Dewdrop is Charged based on the character's current HP.
AbundancePerennial Prosperity, Lush LongevityWhen a character's HP is restored, Dewdrop is Charged according to the amount of healing received.
DestructionNon-Inverse Antimatter EquationIf a character's current HP is below 50%, they are considered to have extra stacks of Grit.
DestructionUniversal Heat Death CharacteristicWhen a character is hit or have their HP lowered, they gain 4 stack(s) of Grit.
DestructionRegression Inequality of AnnihilationAll allies split incoming DMG.
NihilityWhy Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?At the start of an enemy's turn, all DoT sources on it are triggered 1 extra time(s).
NihilityThe Man in the CoverEvery time an enemy is afflicted with a DoT state, apply 3 stack(s) of Suspicion on them.
NihilityFuneral of Sensory PursuivantEvery time an enemy takes DMG from a DoT, apply 1 stack(s) of Suspicion on them.
ElationAuto-Harmonica: Whitest NightAfter characters launch Follow-up ATKs, deal Aftertaste DMG 13 time(s).
ElationSlaughterhouse No. 4: Rest in PeaceAfter characters launch Follow-up ATKs, deals Aftertaste DMG 1 time. If the enemy currently has their Weakness Broken, then deal this DMG 1 extra time(s).
ElationChampion's Dinner: Cat's CradleCharacters' Ultimates are considered as Follow-up ATK. The DMG dealt by Follow-up ATK increases.
PropagationSpore DischargeWhen a character consumes Skill Points, causes all enemies to receive Spores.
PropagationFungal PustuleWhen a character recovers Skill Points, causes a random enemy to receive Spores.
PropagationScythe LimbsAfter a character uses an Ultimate, when a Skill Point is consumed, it is considered as additionally consuming 1 Skill Point. The more Skill Points a character consumes, the higher their CRIT DMG.
RemembrancePerfect Experience: ReticenceThe enemy has a high chance to become Frozen for every 6 attack(s) it receives.
RemembrancePerfect Experience: InnocenceAfter a character inflicts Weakness Break on an enemy, apply Dissociation on them.